Flip of a Coin 01One hundred thousand kilometers above the Earth tumbles the Chʼil Awoshí Station, a conglomeration of oddball environments used for everything from top secret research to filmography to recreation and housing. Fiercely independent yet by necessity interdependent, the inhabitants maintain a delicate alliance of cultures that clash and corporations that compete.

In The Flip of a Coin, a new disc is being built, soon to be joined to Tumbleweed’s Discworld. But although the corporation building the addition has complied with every rule and regulation, there is something unsettling about the newcomers. When a strange man in an environmental suit collides with the command module, half conscious and claiming to have escaped the new disc, Captain Kitewhetu must balance her suspicions with the Chʼil Awoshí’s reputation for respecting the anonymity and independence of its members.

The Flip of a Coin will be published at All For Science, the place for all things science. A new chapter will be posted every Sunday, beginning in September.

19 strip for Tumbleweed